Offers of Translations beware... False and lies...

A few years ago, my freind had a meeting with the owner of this company, who offered to translate a book from English to Portuguese. She offered a reclusive artist called ! Carla Ferreira" actually she didnt exsist and I paid for something that the owner had done herself and badly at that.. Long story short, after months of wrangling with this damn woman. She took her to court, but even though she admitted the fraud, she did not win the case! a stupid law and her lies helped her So all her emails saying how innocent she was, was all lies, and she was proved wrong. This is the problem with scammers like this.. We have watched over the years and warned people, had many private responses about this. .. What you ask for and what you get are two very different things with this woman. The company is and I warn you NOT to take things on face value... I felt I was targeted becuse I was a "foreigner and had money" (totally false though) The story is in fact much bigger than we post on here... but keep this in mind... Scams take on Different forms...
How to spot scams.... it seems too good to be true – for example, a holiday that's much cheaper than you'd expect. someone you don't know contacts you unexpectedly. you suspect you're not dealing with a real company – for example, if there's no postal address. you've been asked to transfer money quickly. Offers of a good translation of your book, quoting they are the best... and check this site out for more tips and information... BE SAFE OUT THERE ITS YOUR MONEY.


  1. Ah yes, she has scammed quite a few of us actually! but not sure if she is around, no company address, possibly her parents or home address?

  2. she is still producing books, maybe she has learnt her lesson? there are no English background authors out there, mostly are religious stuff.

    1. I can imagine she dare not use any non Portuguese authors... The word has been out and about for about 11 years now!

  3. The last words...

    Ahh "your laws”..... It is no longer a problem, I now have contacts, I knew you wouldn’t help, and it’s not to do with any law...It’s the mysterious "Carla" that you can’t explain. That’s why you are so reluctant to divulge anything......But you can’t if the person does not exist! I’m astounded by your audacity to utter untruths as if this person exists. Such a sad, sad shame! Well you certainly learn new things everyday! I would suggest you learn a big lesson from this and treat people with a tad more honesty in the near future if at all possible..

    I shall not bother you again by email. The she was taken to court..admitted that Carla Feriera didn't exist, which made all her benile accusations invalid. How sad.

  4. Thank you for your insightful article.

    I am good at fending them off. I google for their names, companies or email address and judge their reputability. Most of the times, their email address has meaningless clusters of alphabets and/or numbers.

    Good to be always watchful!

  5. if you DO reply and it WAS a scam, what you have done is in effect validate your e-mail address on the scammers' address list (which is a saleable commodity out their in scam-land!) and thus not only encouraged the whole network of scammers, but also opened yourself to a flood of other scams and/or spams. If in any doubt at all, just IGNORE!

  6. Ah yes, this woman is not good, takes money and pretend to do "media help" but it doesn't arrive or materialize. Hopefully what your friend did, taking her to court would have taught her a lesson!


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